Adjust and Facebook: Working to ensure a seamless transition to iOS 14
Adjust Team, Content & Insights, HQ, Dec 16, 2020.
Over the past couple of months, Adjust has been working closely with Facebook to ensure a seamless transition to iOS 14 and support for SKAdNetwork (SKAN). A key focus has been solving the limitations with the SKAdNetwork API conversion bits, which are shared between Facebook and the Adjust platform.
This collaboration means mutual clients will now be able to uniformly apply measurement across platforms using SKAdNetwork conversion bits, via Adjust, for optimization and measurement.
Our SKAdNetwork integration with Facebook ensures:
- SKAdNetwork conversions support: Advertisers relying on SKAdNetwork can use Adjust to set their SKAdNetwork conversion bits as a global variable across platforms and channels.
- Uniform SKAdNetwork conversion schema: Advertisers leveraging the Adjust SDK for conversion values will be able to ensure uniform conversion value schema across all supported channels, now including Facebook, allowing for consistent, streamlined, and transparent reporting of their inventory.
- Flexible measurement and conversion bit solutions: Adjust’s integration with Facebook allows advertisers to use the Adjust interface to set their measurement goals and conversion bits across platforms, while still allowing Facebook to best optimize on their SKAdNetwork campaigns.
- SKAdNetwork parity: Advertisers can rest assured they’ll be able to continue to rely on Facebook’s or Adjust’s SDK, or both, to ensure ads delivery, optimization, and measurement on Facebook for iOS 14.
- Consolidated third-party reporting: Advertisers can review their Facebook data on their Adjust dashboards using the Adjust Data Studio.
To date, we have been working on a couple iterations of the alignment tools - testing is ongoing, and we will announce more progress in following weeks.
The changes also mean that all platforms serving ads and working with SKAdNetwork will need to integrate with a mobile measurement provider, allowing the MMP to manage the conversion bits. If not, potential conversion bit collisions could hinder advertisers from receiving accurate cross-platform measurement and analytics.
Together, Adjust and Facebook are committed to making sure your campaigns don’t skip a beat. To learn more about how Facebook is helping partners prepare for iOS 14, read their latest blog post here.
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