Attribution is a must-have in your marketing tech stack

Unlimited measurement on mobile, web, CTV, PC, and console.
Powerful analytics, reporting, and visualizations in Datascape.
Make smarter decisions with AI-driven, next-generation measurement.
Streamline operations and amplify your marketing with automation.
Safeguard your data and prevent mobile ad fraud.
Leverage machine-learning for scalable iOS and SKAdNetwork success.
Power-up omnichannel success and make connected TV a performance channel.
ROI Measurement
Effortlessly increase ROI and ROAS with accurate data and holistic views.
Fraud Prevention
Protect your data and budgets with proactive mobile ad fraud prevention.
PC & Console
Expand your horizons and power up PC and console games measurement.
AI-powered, next-gen incrementality analysis for granular campaign insights.
Your mobile app marketing success depends on getting attribution right. Learn how attribution works in today's privacy era and how you can grow your app with the right strategy.
Make sense of mobile app attribution
Amidst the changing privacy landscape, attribution can seem daunting to app marketers and developers. Unlock continued success with the following:
12 reasons mobile attribution is a must for app marketing.
How mobile attribution and ad engagement work.
Defining attribution windows, waterfalls, and models.
The next-gen measurement solutions to look for.
Benefits of working with a mobile attribution provider.
“In light of expanding privacy regulations and greater app competition, savvy attribution is more relevant for app marketing than ever before. Mobile attribution is the foundation of a marketing team’s tech stack, providing the data-driven insights they need to grow their app.”
Simon “Bobby” Dussart
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