Adjust partners with mediasmart for next-level CTV campaign optimization

Alix Carman, Content Writer, Adjust, Sep 01, 2022.
Adjust’s CTV AdVision customers just got another leg up in the CTV marketing space with the addition of self-serve programmatic platform mediasmart’s campaign implementation features. This partnership introduces a robust advertising platform to Adjust’s tactical team of partners, making publishing your ad a walk in the park.
Before this latest addition Adjust’s market-leading suite of partnerships, our customers have already benefited from the integrations of OTT ad platform Vibe, marketing and ad platform tvScientific, marketing automation platform UNICORN, and many more. What makes mediasmart stand out among these partners is its capability to capitalize on the second screen phenomenon. Also, mediasmart runs campaigns for both mobile and connected TV apps.
Wade through the complexities of CTV advertising
As an Adjust customer, you’re already well-equipped to evaluate your CTV campaign performance seamlessly across ad networks to gauge whether you need to iterate, pivot, or stay the course. But what about the lead-up to your campaign going live?
If you’re advertising a mobile app, choosing from the seemingly endless number of vendors with CTV inventory to connect with the right audience can be daunting. Promoting a native CTV app? That can be even more challenging, requiring time and money to adapt your app for the multitudes of operating systems (OS) available across CTV. That’s where our partnership with mediasmart comes into play. Now you can combine powerful omnichannel ad automation with comprehensive analytics for hassle-free CTV campaigns.
The bread and butter of elevating CTV advertising
It’s your job as an advertiser to nail the right creative for your audience. Adjust helps you thereafter, integrating flawlessly with mediasmart to handle the intricacies of CTV. What makes this partnership so powerful, exactly?
- Advertise at the right time: With a large portion of consumers using more than one screen while watching TV, it’s critical to know when users will be more attentive to your advertisements. Cut through the second screen phenomenon with mediasmart’s Awareness Estimator. This feature allows advertisers to identify and target devices and users that have less exposure to ads, helping you get the most bang for your buck. Plus, sync your CTV ads across other devices in the household to boost brand impact with mediasmart’s Household Sync technology.
- Hone in on your audience: Rather than putting budget into all possible device and OS combinations available in CTV advertising, identify and target only those operating systems with which your app is compatible. With your platforms zeroed in, mediasmart then provides access to the supply partners you need to get your CTV campaign up and running.
- Prove the effectiveness of CTV: The proof is in the pudding with Adjust’s sleek analytics. Illustrate the precise power of mediasmart’s campaign-enhancing technology and compare the effectiveness of your CTV campaigns against the rest of your marketing efforts with crystal clear, non-biased numbers.
Together, Adjust and mediasmart help you make the most of the rapidly growing CTV advertising space with the support you need to achieve coherent and successful CTV campaigns end-to-end, both for your mobile apps and CTV native apps.

For more information on how to maximize your advertising with CTV AdVision or set up a demo, get started here. Or, check out our ultimate how-to CTV guide here.
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